We are all finding our way forward in a new reality, and with COVID-19 keeping us apart physically, Heterotaxy Connection is committed to bringing us all together virtually. We're thrilled to announce our newest program, Heterotaxy Hangouts!
We plan to hold virtual meetings biweekly for the foreseeable future, as long as we're not able to be together in person. Some of the hangouts will be for grownups, some for kids. Some of our hangouts will be educational and others will be just for fun, so stay tuned!
Upcoming times and topics will be announced on our main Facebook page, and to ensure our members' privacy, the Zoom links will be posted only in our private support group where all members have been carefully screened.
We want to hear from you!

Since this is a brand new initiative, we want to hear your ideas. What kinds of topics are you interested in for educational hangouts? What days and times work best for you? What other thoughts do you have for us as we get started? We'd love for you to fill out this quick survey as we continue to work to connect our community.